
Cross-Cultural Counselling Problem Solver

The purpose of this tool is to help mental health practitioners to explore and evaluate strategies they may wish to use to enhance their work with culturally diverse clients. This document is adapted from "An inventory for enhancing cross-cultural group work"1, which is based on an extensive literature review, and grounded in the Psychotherapy Adaptation and Modification Framework2.

Practitioners are advised to employ these recommendations only in combination with their best clinical judgment, consideration of a client’s individual characteristics and preferences, as well as with in-depth knowledge of the client’s specific cultural group. For more information on the various strategies, please consult the publications and PowerPoint workshops on the resources page.

Suggested Citation: Rapacki, T. M., & McBride, D. L. (2017). Cross-Cultural Counselling Problem Solver. Retrieved from



 I want to...



Respond more effectively to client cultural beliefs.

Structure therapy to be more effective.

Improve my relationship with my client.

Understand and assess my clients more effectively.

Improve communication.

Further refine my services for a client and their cultural group.



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